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Technical Details

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Technical Details

On May 19, 2017, Posted by , In Uncategorized, With Comments Off on Technical Details

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    • Languages allowed are HTMLCSS and JavaScript (including jQuery).
    • Use of PHP or ASP code is not supported.
    • Character encoding: UTF-8
    • There must be a single HTML file.
    • The HTML file must include your ad and the CSS associated style.
    • The HTML file must be named index.html.
    • Your final HTML code must not contain comment lines or references to non-existent files. Leave only the files (images, fonts, etc.) used in the code for your ad.
    • No external file, link or script is authorized (including the jQuery library).Example

The following structure is the only one accepted:

My link

    • The following calls are not authorized (if used, your ad will not activate):‘‘, ‘_self’);
window.parent.location.href = ‘’;
window.location = ‘’;

    • No script or JavaScript call must be positioned after the closing tag 
    • Never use the property visibility: hidden; to hide audio content (whether in CSS or JS).
    • All files present in the code for your ad must be in the final ad folder.
    • If you use the jQuery library, we recommend that you download the latest version from If you prefer not to use the latest version of the library, please indicate this using:

In both cases, a copy of the library must be included in the final ad folder.

    • Using jQuery.noConflict() is not recommended unless you are using multiple libraries that use the $ symbol.
    • Concatenation for the purpose of building a path to a file is not functional with Toronto Star Touch.Prohibited use

var randomNumber = math.floor(math.random() * 4);
document.getElementById(‘var’).style.background = ‘url(assets/’ + randomNumber + ‘.jpg)’;

Accepted use

var img1 = ‘assets/1.jpg’;
var img2 = ‘assets/2.jpg’;
var img3 = ‘assets/3.jpg’;
document.getElementById(‘var’).style.background = ‘url(‘ + img1 + ‘)’;


There are functionalities which are incompatible with Toledo Blade news slide. If the ad contains one of the functionalities listed below, you must modify the ad contents to make them compatible with our application.


The ad cannot include any button to prompt any type of sharing on social networks, e.g., ‘Like’‘Send’‘Follow’‘Sign Up’, or ‘Comment’. However, a link is allowed to direct readers to a Facebook page


Links to Facebook apps are not compatible with Toledo Blade news slide at this time. These links are in the format:[string of digits].


Google Maps imposes usage limits on its API. These limits are less than Toledo Blade news slide’s daily reader volume, which means requests would receive an error message if the limits are exceeded. For more information, consult the official Google documentation on the topic.


Google Maps Geolocation imposes usage limits on its API. These limits are less than Toledo Blade news slide’s daily reader volume, which means requests would receive an error message if the limits are exceeded. For more information, consult the official Google documentationon the topic.


If your ad includes a sequence of images, the sequence cannot contain virtual objects.


Apple’s mobile operating system (iOS) has restrictions. We cannot play both audio and video from one Toronto Star Touch screen. For more information, consult the official Apple documentation on the topic.


Apple’s mobile operating system (iOS) restrictions mean we cannot provide volume control for a media file (audio or video) in JavaScript. For more information, consult the official Apple documentation on the topic.


Auto playback is not allowed. Playback can only be activated by an action taken by the reader (e.g.: the video will only start playing if the tablet is shaken).

  •  BASE64

Your video content cannot be encoded in base64, as this unfortunately would create a conflict with other media files used for Toronto Star Touch.


Refreshing an ad using the following code is not permitted:



The canvas element enabling dynamic rendering of images is not currently supported for Toledo Blade news slide.

    • Adobe Edge
    • Adobe Muse
    • Adobe Flash
    • Google Web Designer
    • Sencha Animator
    • Microsoft Silverlight


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